Q: Can I really place my ad spot for free?
A: Yes you can place a single Ad for FREE. This is our 16x16 pixel “Ad” which DOUBLES in size when you hover over it. You can upgrade to a bigger “ad” if you want.

Q: What is the 16x16 pixel box?
A: Our platform is built on a 16x16 pixel box ad which is a single “Ad” that can place for FREE, it DOUBLES when you hover over it and it is clickable.
All of our “Ads” are combinations of e.g 16x16 pixels. This makes it’s easy for you to request the “Ad” that you want.

Q: Can I take a larger spot if I want?
A: Yes. All you need to do is go to the “Place You Ad” tab at the top of the page and order your “Ad” for a small fee.

Q: The Ad size I book, it is displayed for 12 months, correct?
A: Yes, we will notify you 1 week before it expires so you can renew your ad spot.

Q: So I can place a personal profile, business profile on any country page? Can I place 2 ads? for personal profile and business?
A: Yes you can place both personal AND business profile. We would suggest you pay the small fee and go for 2x2 ad so you can edit your listing as often as you like.

Q: Can I advertise ANY Personal or Business profile regardless?
A: Yes there are no restrictions on the Personal or Business profile you can advertises other than these
No Pornographic material or websites
No Pornographic photos of adults or children
No Any racists material or ads that contain racists remarks
No Advertisements that contain ANY form of cruelty to humans or animals

Q: Can I upgrade my ad?
A: No, but if you have booked a ad spot for $2 or more you have your own back office that will allow you to change your Contact Details, URL, and 100 character description. If you wanted to upgrade, just order another ad spot size.

Q: What happens if I have any questions or queries?
A: Contact us at contact@1millioncontacts.com

Q: What happens if I have more than one Personal or Business profile to advertise?
A: You have 2 choices (a) you can book an ad spot of $2 or more, this will then give you your on back office where you can change you ad. (b) Just rebook another ad spot for the size and category you want.

Q: How does the Ad Generator work?
A: We know that not all Personal or Business profile ads will fit into our standard ad sizes. With our ad calculator you can choose the ad size that best fits your Personal or Business profile. It’s a very unique system, not only can you choose the size ad you want, but it will also show you the price.

Q: Is there a maximum size ad that I can place?
A: Yes, this is 14 boxes wide x 10 boxes deep, this would be a full page.

Q: Can I place an ad on any country?
A: Yes you can just click on the country where you wish to place your ad. You can place an ad spot on as many countries as you like.

Q: Is there any restrictions of what I can post of my ad? or where it links?
A: Yes we want to keep the www.1MillionContacts.com very ethical so these are the restrictions:
- No Pornographic material or websites
- No Pornographic photos of adults or children
- No Any racists material or ads that contain racists remarks
- No Advertisements that contain ANY form of cruelty to humans or animals
Our decision will be final on whether we feel the content is suitable for our www.1MillionContacts.com website

Q: What can I use the www.1MillionContacts.com for?
A: You can use to search or find: contacts, pen friends, business opportunities, business contacts, personal contacts, you can search or place your own"personal or business profile "Ad Spot"